Policy Speech

Professor Dr. Raul Tovares

Com 392 Speechwriting


Assignment 5: The Policy Speech
Write a 7-8 page speech on an important policy issue.

A policy speech is a persuasive speech. It address a problem or issue and attempts to convince the audience to accept a course of action the speaker believes is the best answer to the problem. Policy speeches are never “one or the other,” but rather deal in gray areas. Most are structured in a “problem-solution” format. Credible sources are critical in this type of speech. Logic and reason serve as the basis for the arguments. The writing should be clear, concise, and to the point.


In a society were cultural differences exist, knowledge is pivotal to ensure that ignorance are limited. Changing the current curriculum of U.S. History to include Black History entails the exploration African/Black American heritage, achievements and contributions to todays society.
Change of this magnitude can proceed as Brown v. Board of Education in 1954. It is pivotal to know the heritage of African American because facts and accomplishment are often neglected or appropriated.
This paper will discuss the importance of introducing all schools with Black History throughout their U.S. History development. Also, discuss Black History being subject of criticism, innovative leaders and today’s continuous of cultural appropriation.

The New American History


On October of 2015, a 15 year old Texas student, Coby Burren informed his mother Roni Dean- Burren of a disturbing issue during his class lecture. Coby, using his hand held device informed his mother that within his Texas Essential Knowledge and Skills approved textbook conveyed slaves as workers. The McGraw Hill World Geography textbook states “The Atlantic Slave Trade between the 1500s and 1800s brought millions of workers from Africa to the southern United States to work on agricultural plantations.” In a society were black people have been targeted as criminals, unintelligent or a pickaninny, Black History Month serves a purpose. Also, the current and highly publicized boycott against the Academy of Motion Picture Arts and Science, and the implication of slaves as worker in educational texts serves a purpose for not just a month but Black History in mergence with U.S. History.
The Board of Education should change the curriculum of history to include African and African American History because it has greatly impacted America as we know it today. Since arriving African Americans have contributed and propelled Europeans to rise globally and progress in economic dominance. Still today people are cultural ignorant to black history and by incorporating this history would highlight more achievements contributed than currently offered February, a twenty-eight day month every annual year.
According to a PBS article written by Henry Louis Gates Jr., the production of cotton reigned King over the production of tobacco. Gates Jr. states “Once we understand the paramount economic importance of cotton to the economies of the United States and Great Britain, we can begin to appreciate the enormity of the achievements of the black and white abolitionists who managed to marshal moral support for the abolition of slavery.”
If there is anyone that questions Black history and it’s contributions. Think of the necessary change that is needed in the future and the purpose of history. In accordance with Hanover College History Department, the purpose of history is not only to present facts, interpret the past, but to attempt change when horrific patterns have been presented. We all known how imperative change is and the importance of an evolving nation. On May 17, 1954, the U.S. Supreme Court changed the course of history among children in public schools. Brown v. Board of Education, was seen by the Supreme Court as violating the Equal Protection Clause of the Fourteenth Amendment and ended segregation within public schools. However, there is still segregation in school systems and that is presented thoroughly in the course material being taught and the lack of essential material being skimmed over, left out or left to a single-perspective.
Presently, history’s course materials taught in public schools are in desperate need of discussing, close examination and change. According to Christopher Scott, a fifth grade history teacher serving the state of Virginia, “The course material including textbooks somehow find a way of glossing over the truth, while mentioning the history of slavery the language used conveys in a way that to a fifth grader may look at the topic as secondary or not as heinous as scholars know it to have been. As a teacher I spend a lot of my time making sure that I stick to the curriculum and adding essential information. I never want to feel like I have influenced cultural ignorance among my students, especially since we live in such a diverse world.”
According to the District of Columbia’s Office of the State Superintendent of Education, children are exposed to the Age Of Exploration as early as fourth grade .The Age of Exploration, which entails the travel of European ships searching for new trading routes are taught. Topics of Henry the Navigator exploration of the West Coast of Africa and Christopher Columbus voyage of the blue sea are all discussed in full detail. In fact, the curriculum of social studies from K through twelfth grade provides in detail what must be covered throughout the school year. The curriculum appears to be taught in a chronological sequence; however, the accounts of the first slaves arriving in 1619 to Jamestown, Virginia is not mention or left to the teacher to discuss. This is the start of cultural ignorance, the lack of material approved to be taught to children will only manifest itself into a bigger issue in society. How do we expect these children to grow up and become aware of cultural difference, customs, and struggles when it is not being taught in an educational institution? Educational institutions purposes are to develop strong characters, innovative thinkers, efficient and effective leaders in the world and general awareness.
The history that was stripped from blacks hundreds of years ago should be taught to give general awareness to blacks, whites and other minorities. According to Karren Warrington, writer for The President’s House in Philadelphia discusses a personal experience, “Once I was browsing in the book department of the now-closed Gimbels department store, and a white salesperson asked me what I was looking for. I explained that I was in search of books on African history. Her response was, ‘Oh, honey, Africans have no history.’” This demonstrate lack of knowledge and the critical need to implement the now generation with additional learning material. But can you blame her for that ignorance, we should blame the educational institute in which she graduated. We should also blame ourselves, the citizens for not demanding a change…….


Conway, M. (2015, March 16). The Problem with History Classes. Retrieved April 21, 2016, from http://www.theatlantic.com/education/archive/2015/03/the-problem-with-history-classes/387823/

Howard, A. (2016, January 22). The Black History Month Debate is Back. Retrieved April 21, 2016, from http://www.theatlantic.com/education/archive/2015/03/the-problem-with-history-classes/387823/

Kulikoff, A. (1986). Tobacco and slaves: The development of southern cultures in the Chesapeake, 1680-1800. Chapel Hill: Published for the Institute of Early American History and Culture, Williamsburg, Virginia by the University of North Carolina Press.

Luttemer, F. (1996, January). Why Study History? : History Department : Hanover College. Retrieved April 21, 2016, from https://history.hanover.edu/why.php

Social Studies Standards. (2011, July 20). Retrieved April 21, 2016, from http://osse.dc.gov/publication/social-studies-standards
Office of the State Superintendent of Education PDF standards for Social Studies K-12.

W., R. (2009, January). Why Black History is important? Retrieved April 21, 2016, from http://www.blackhistorystudies.com/resources/articles/why-black-history/

Warrington, K. (2005, June 14). African American history must be taught. Retrieved April 21, 2016, from http://www.ushistory.org/presidentshouse/news/inq061405.htm

Personal Interview

Scott, C. (2016, April 1), Informational Interview

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Thank You Speech

Professor: Dr. Raul Tovares

Com 392 Speechwriting
Assignment 3: The Thank You Speech
Write a 1-2 page “thank you” speech.

Description: Like the tribute speech, the Thank You speech is a ceremonial speech. It’s about showing appreciation of others. The audience expects to hear certain ideas. Mention the person(s) you are thanking. Give their names, title, or rank. State why you are thanking them. Be specific. How did the help, guidance, advice, encouragement, you received make a difference in your life or career? What did it mean to you?

Best New Artist Award


Thank you Black Greatness Entertainment for this award and special recognition. I can’t allow this moment to go by without thanking God, the Most High. In times of self-doubt it was His holy words that encouraged me to continue this art of self-expression.

Mary Reynolds-Neal, my grandmother and a strong positive example in my life deserves more than my applause. I want to thank you for loving me the best way you knew how and if it was not for your teachings of self-respect and independence, surely none of my work would have seen the light of day.

To Karla Jones-Lewis, my manager and respected friend, I want to say you have challenged me to the best I can be. Thank you so much for striving to achieve the best opportunities for me even at the cost of your personal life. I am certain that precious time could have been bathing in the sun or shopping on some extravagant and exotic island. Again, I am forever grateful.

I want to thank Matt Berton my charismatic creative director. Thank you for understanding my dream, and trusting in my crazy ideas.

Channel “KR” Thomas, Seth Lemmon, Angela Bart, Patty Tucker, Rodney “Money” Kemp, my producers and musical engineers, thank you for your time, patience, care and vision. I couldn’t have asked for a better team. I will always cherish those unforgettable moments we shared while creating this exceptional body of art.

Lastly, I want to thank every fan that has supported my work throughout this long journey of self-discovery. Every artist has a need, a hope that someone can look at their creation and gain from it; gain a feeling that drives an emotion, gain a general perception that may positively affect them deeply. I truly hope that all have gained something from this work.

Looking at this award brings me great happiness and reminds me and others to continue on the path of believing in your dreams. Those dreams may only be in your thoughts but one day, no matter who you are or where you are, with hard work, spiritual strength and a great team, you can make that dream a reality.

Thank You



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Welcome Speech

Professor: Dr. Raul

Com 392 Speechwriting

Assignment4: Welcome Speech
Write a 1-2 page Welcome Speech.

Description: The Welcome Speech is a ceremonial speech. It should be short. Usually, the speaker is welcoming a new employee or group of people. The purpose is to make everyone in the room feel like they are all part of a group, organization, or team. The mission of the organization or team is usually mentioned.

Welcome Speech

On behalf of St. Mary’s Catholic High School, I am truly delighted to welcome you, future leaders.I am certain that you will prove yourselves as leaders beyond this institution of secondary education. In fact, I am certain you will be great community, state and even national leaders. You will be leaders in the arts, sciences, and humanities. We expect nothing less. Welcome future leaders of the world.
St. Mary’s Catholic High School has developed many leaders like you before. Many that have gone on to be famous musicians, authors, doctors, lawyers, philosophers, engineers and athletes. Such graduates make St. Mary’s the number one private high school in the United States, according to 2015 News Weekly’s article The Best High Schools in the United States.
St. Mary’s Catholic High School is an educational institute that strives for excellence and is proud to claim that we build not only students but independent, forward thinking adults. Far to soon you will be adults with careers, families other responsibilities. These are the years when you truly develop yourself. These are the years when you experience close friendships and moments that you will remember and tell your children.
Please remember that you have been selected because you are great but that does mean you can’t get better. And that’s why we are here, to help you develop to your full potential. We are here to challenge your mind and prepare your for the world.


Future Leader

Speechwriting Course

Dr Tovares, R.

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In Memory of My Mother

Professor Dr. Raul Tovares

Com 392 Speechwriting

Assignment 2: The Tribute Speech
Write a 2-3 page tribute to a person, either living or dead.

Description of the Tribute Speech: The tribute speech, like all ceremonial speeches, is predictable, short, and planned ahead of time. The speechwriter, therefore, should make an effort to make the moment special and fresh. Two or three main points are enough for the tribute speech. The language can be more elevated than normal, but not stiff or unnatural. A good tribute speech takes into account the needs of the audience.

Tribute Speech

“ To describe my mother would be to write about a hurricane in its perfect power. Or the climbing, falling colors of a rainbow.” That quote by Grammy Award winning and Presidential Medial of Freedom recipient Maya Angelou, precisely captures a woman of much character and integrity that I so fondly knew. I would like to profoundly but briefly mention someone who has immeasurably shaped and inspired my life, my mother, June Dale Jeffries.

My mother was a fearless, unique, wise, intelligent and a true rare beauty who could socialize with anyone, respectable people with prestige credibility to even common peddlers in the neighborhood. However, with her fearlessness and uniqueness, occasionally lead her towards unfortunate matters. It is because of her rights and wrongs that I can even stand here today in complete awe; knowing that I cannot only strive for excellence and seize the moment but my authentic self is enough and excellent in itself.
June’s characteristic of courageous style of dress and dedication to others well-being were both fearless and unique; she was always concerned of others’ state of happiness and purpose in life. I reminisce on a time that seem to reoccur often than less during my adolescents. Every weekend was our assigned time to talk and really get to know each other. I remember those times like yesterday. A women , 5-foot- 3inches, age around mid thirties, long blonde Locs with flat silver band rings that decorated each finger on her hand. She’d drive behind the wheel of that huge Ford Bronco she loved so much and nothing could stop us. I thought to myself, “This is the perfect time to talk .” It was at that time I proceeded to share topics of my insecurities, fears, school problems, boyfriend issues, and even career options. As always she would revert the conversation and ask “How are you Pumpkin, are you happy? You know that’s the most important thing.” She would always talk to me like a friend. She wanted me to talk to her and learn from all of her mistakes. Our conversations were real and genuine and something I wish to share with my future children. For those that knew her well, those close friends and family members, knew my mother was indeed fearless and unique. However, those impeccable and gravitating traits manifested ,in some instances negatively.

June’s fearlessness and uniqueness sometimes led her to be impetuous. Some consequences of my mother is what left me under the guardianship of my grandmother. Presently, I can smile about that time but then as a child it was greatly confusing. One particular instance hindered my family extremely. On any given morning my mother would walk down the street to the “corner store,” which I later found out was the neighborhood drug dealer . That morning she wore thigh high boots and a mini skirt to purchase some marijuana. She was arrested for possession and intent to sell. Now, I know this is an event that could be perceived negatively but this was just a woman who occasionally self medicated for anxiety and had no intent of selling to anyone. What are the chances that currently some states now allow the purchase and distribution of marijuana? Later, with the help of a lawyer she was then released from jail. Although those that knew her and loved her knew the truth and the charges later expunged, the consequences still effected my family. In result, I went to live with my grandmother. Now as an adult I feel her wrong doings taught me a great deal, specifically how to listen and remind people about the most important aspects of life.

Today we look upon a woman who was not at all perfect but of someone with great character and love and demonstrated love, my mother June Dale Jeffries. My mother was a very unique individual with a fearless attitude and yet a little impulsive. I loved this woman and if I could become a rainbow or even a small version of that powerful hurricane for my children as Maya Angelou spoke of then I would feel as grateful as she did to be my mother.

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Weather Alert: Snow Day

Professor Dr. Raul Tovares

Assignment 1: The Press Release
Write a press release about a weather alert.

Description: Press releases are similar to news stories. They get to the main points quickly. Today press releases are distributed via email or online. All press releases contain:
Company/organization name (logo) at the top along with address (street, city, state, zip) and website.
The phrase “FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE” (caps, boldface), should appear near the top.
Date of release (just below the “FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE” phrase).
Contact Information is justified, single-spaced, and usually on the left side of the page. Include name, title, phone number(s), and email address.
Headline: Skip two lines after the contact information. Headlines should be no more than one line.
Dateline: City of origin of the press release followed by state abbreviation, if not a major city.
Lead: Use the hard news lead.
Body: Key points. Can include quote from official. Keep paragraphs short.
Ending: use either – 30 – or ###

All classes

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